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FAQs About Pool Companies in Dubai

What do swimming pool companies in Dubai do?

In Dubai, swimming pool companies usually do a bunch of things like designing and building pools, keeping them clean, fixing them up, and putting in or fixing pool equipment.

What's the price of making a swimming pool in Dubai?

Making a swimming pool in Dubai can cost different amounts. It depends on things like how big and what shape it is, the materials used, and any extra stuff you want. Normally, getting a pool built in Dubai can be between AED 50,000 and AED 300,000.

Is it possible to put a swimming pool in my backyard in Dubai?

You can have a pool in your backyard, but you need to get the right permissions and follow local rules and building codes. You’ll likely need a building permit and might also need approval from your homeowners’ community or association.

How can I pick the best swimming pool company in Dubai?

When picking a pool company in Dubai, make sure to check their reputation, experience, and skills. Think about the services they provide and if they match what you want. Getting quotes from a few companies is also smart to compare prices and get the best deal.

How much should I clean and take care of my swimming pool in Dubai?

It’s usually a good idea to clean and take care of your swimming pool every week in Dubai. This helps make sure it’s clean and working well. But how often you do it might change based on how big your pool is and how much it gets used.

What kind of stuff for pools do swimming pool companies in Dubai have?

In Dubai, pool companies might have things like automatic cleaners, filters, covers, lights, heaters, and pumps for your pool. They could also have fun stuff like toys and games for the pool, along with accessories.

Do pool companies in Dubai fix all kinds of pool stuff?

In Dubai, many pool companies can fix different pool gear like automatic cleaners, filters, heaters, and pumps. If your stuff is special or custom, it’s smart to ask the company if they can fix it.

How much time does it usually take to make a swimming pool in Dubai?

Making a swimming pool in Dubai can take different times based on how big and tricky it is. Normally, a regular-sized pool can be built in about 4 to 6 weeks. But it might take more time if it’s bigger or more complicated.

Do pool companies in Dubai set up pools in apartments or tall buildings?

You can put a swimming pool in an apartment building or tall building in Dubai, but it depends on the building and how it’s built. First, check with the owner or management, and make sure to get the right permissions before you go ahead.

Do pool companies in Dubai let you pay for building a pool or buying equipment in installments?

Certain pool companies in Dubai might let you pay for building a pool or buying equipment in installments. They could have their own financing plans or work with banks. Ask about these options when you’re getting quotes or thinking about a specific company.