Pool Maintenance Tips

Extend Your Pool's Lifespan: Expert Pool Maintenance Tips

Owning a swimming pool is a luxury, however, it can become one of your greatest assets with the right maintenance and service. It can seem like a daunting task to maintain your beloved pool regularly but with the right approach, you can make it less daunting. It’s very hard to grasp the fact that pool maintenance can be a straightforward process and even enjoyable. Therefore, to ease you into the process, here are some professional pool maintenance tips to keep your pool in shipshape. 

The Significance of Pool Cleaning and Maintenance

Before we dive deep into the pool maintenance tips, it is essential to tap into the vital nature of cleaning and maintaining your pool thoroughly and regularly. Therefore, here are the benefits of pool maintenance:

It Increases the Lifespan of your Pool

Various pool components can only last for a period of time. Therefore, the pool maintenance services by Elkin Corp include rigorous checking of each and every element for wear and tear. This can help prevent basic repairs from turning into catastrophes. A weekly maintenance service includes examining and ensuring all parts of the pool are intact. Hence it creates a safe and secure environment for the habitants. 

It Elevates the Visual Appeal of the Pool

A pool with murky water and algae is everyone’s pet peeve and no one would dare to take a dip in it. So, pool maintenance by Elkin Corp can help you elevate the visual appeal of the pool and make it more aesthetically pleasing. By making necessary tweaks to the PH levels of the water, it will shine bright and smell fresh. More importantly, prevents microbes and bacteria from entering the pool and surrounding surfaces. 

It Prevents Health Issues for Regular Users

It is common knowledge that an unmaintained pool is a haven for diseases that are waterborne. Our expert pool maintenance services will aid in removing the fungi, microbes, and bacteria to an effective extent. Opting for regular swimming pool maintenance services will result in keeping the swimmers healthy. Various issues such as skin infections, respiratory problems, swimmer’s ear, and diarrheal infections are wiped clean with the right set of cleaning processes. 

Pool Maintenance Tips

Expert Pool Maintenance Tips by Elkin Corp

Maintain your swimming pool like a pro with the help of these professional tips provided by the experts at Elkin Corp. 

A Regular Water Chemistry Check and Balancing

The water chemistry in your swimming pool consists of various elements such as chlorine, pH, and total alkalinity. A perfect balance of the three elements would result in a healthier and well-maintained pool. Hence, a regular check and maintenance will keep these three vital elements in balance and will result in keeping the bacteria away from the pool boundaries.

Here are some general estimates to help you keep the balance in check. The chlorine level should be aimed to be kept at a level between 1.0 to 3.0 parts per million. The total alkalinity must be between 80 to 120 ppm and the pH level should be between 7.2 to 7.6 ppm. 

Pool Equipment Inspection and Cleaning

Check for the wear and tear of your pool equipment thoroughly and repair or change it if necessary. It includes the pump, filters, and valves since these are the equipment that tie your pool together. You should always keep an eye out for leaks on the pump, monitor the pressure on the valve, and clean the filters regularly. Clean the filters every four to six weeks and take action immediately if you notice a significant reduction in the water flow. Take a mind note to check the pool heater by switching it on and off. Get it checked and repaired by our experts if an error message shows up. 

Maintain the Water Levels in your Pool

You must maintain consistency in the water levels in your pool by keeping a regular check. There are various factors due to which there can be variations in the pool water levels. The common reasons can be evaporation, leaks, and splashing. On the surface, it may seem like a minor concern, however, if the water level drops below the skimmer, the pumps may stand the risk of getting damaged. Therefore, check the water levels regularly and add or reduce the water amount if it goes above or below the skimmer level. 

Keep your Pool Covered When not in Use

You can improve the health of your pool by keeping it covered when you are not accessing it. In that manner, your maintenance tasks get reduced and easier drastically. Covering your pool has other benefits such as preventing unhealthy substances like debris, leaves, and bacteria from entering. It also reduces the heating cost since the cover retains the heat inside the pool. Therefore, getting your pool covered is considered an investment and it adds to keeping your pool healthy thus providing long-term benefits. 

Keep your Pool Water Circulated for Structural Protection

One of the important tips in maintaining your swimming pool is to keep propelling the pool water throughout the day. Circulating the water 8-12 hours a day can help prevent bacteria and fungi from entering your pool walls and flooring. A proper pool water circulation can help in the entrapment of contaminants such as bacteria and fungi that would otherwise result in algae formation in the pool.

A proper dispensation of chemicals in the pool is a healthier way of maintaining the temperature. You can achieve an ideal pool temperature and maintain it with consistent water circulation. 

Keep your Swimming Pool in the Desired Condition with Elkin Corp

After going through these expert swimming pool maintenance tips, we hope that the cleaning task has become less daunting for you. With the right use of tools, expertise, and advice, you can upkeep the beloved swimming pool in the shape you desire. Our team of experts can lend their years’ worth of service intelligence and wisdom to make your life better. Opt for our pool maintenance services to ensure your pool remains a source of joy and a symbol of luxury.